Welcome back!!
A few reminders from the health office:
All prescription medication that is to be administered during school hours requires an order from the physician, a parent and nurse's signature, and needs to be brought to school by an adult in the pharmacy labeled bottle. It will be kept in the health office and will be administered as ordered by the physician.
Non-prescription medication requires a parent & nurse's signature. Medication is brought to school by a parent and is kept in the health office .
Head Lice: Classes will by checked periodically for head lice. School policy allows students with nits to remain in school. If live lice are found a parent will be notified. The student can remain in school for that day. Following treatment the student will be checked upon arrival at school the following day.
Illness: We all get sick from time to time. Our hope is that illnesses are not passed from child to child. If your child has vomited at home (including the night before), is running a temperature over 100.0 please keep your child at home. When they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication or on prescription antibiotics for 24 hours your child may return to school.
We do keep some extra clothing in the health office for emergency use. If you think your child may need extra clothing please send it to school with them to keep in the classroom or health office.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call the health office at 254-3746.