Healthy Schools website

The CDC has launched a new Healthy Schools website which provides a host of information and tools for teachers, parents, and students on school nutrition, physical activity, obesity prevention, management of chronic diseases in schools, and more. AFHK actively partnered with the CDC to provide resources for the site specifically related to Health & Academics, Parent Engagement and Local School Wellness Policy.

(*AFHK - Action For Healthy Kids)

What is 5-2-1-0 ?

5-2-1-0 provides children and families with a road map to healthy habits each and every day. Take the challenge to practice 5-2-1-0 every day!!

5 - Eat frutils and veggies at least 5 times a day.
2 - Less than 2 hours of screen time per day. Less is BEST!
1 - At least 1 hour of physical activity daily.
0 - Avoid sugar-sweetened drinks (artificial sweetners included) Try low-fat milk or water instead.